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Set Up

Before we launch into the server setup, let's quick review where certain files are going to go:

File Locations and Directory Structure

According to the JuptyerHub docs:

The folks at JupyterHub recommend that we put all of the files used by JupyterHub into standard UNIX filesystem locations:

  • /srv/jupyterhub for all security and runtime files
  • /etc/jupyterhub for all configuration files
  • /var/log for log files

Development tools

Before creating the server, a set of private/public SSH keys are needed. SSH keys can be created with PuTTY Gen. PuTTY Gen is installed with a typical PuTTY installation. See this post for a details.

An SSH terminal program is needed to communicate with the server. On Windows 10, I use PuTTY. See this post for a details. On MacOS and Linux, SSH from the command line works as well.

It is helpful to have an SFTP client to move large files back and forth between a local computer and the server. On Windows 10, I use FileZilla.

Locally, I use the Anaconda distribution of Python and the Anaconda Prompt to create virtual environments and run Python code.

This JupyterHub deployment runs on a Digital Ocean virtual private server. Local development and testing was completed on a Windows 10 laptop and desktop.

Next Steps

The next step is to create a public-private SSH key pair with PuTTYgen. We'll use this public-private SSH key to log into the server with PuTTY.